Wednesday, 3 April 2019

why should we learn Python?

What is Python?

Python is a General Purpose, Interpreted and High Level Programming Language. By using Python we can create Console Applications, Desktop Applications, Web Development, Mobile Applications, Machine Learning, IOT Applications and Data Science Applications.

Python is Machine Independent that is why it is known as High Level Programming Language. You can do the Python training in Chandigarh by joining the  Excellence Technologies that provides  you the basic and the advance concepts of Python.

Python is simple, easy to learn, object oriented, powerful, high level programming language.

Popular Applications Developed using Python:-

There are several desktop and mobile applications created using Python.

YouTube, Firefox, Google, Quora, Instagram, Dropbox and many more.

 Reasons behind the popularity of Python

·   The syntax of Python is very simple. Python has a simple structure.

·       Python has inbuilt Library support. Despite of being slow it is the most popular programming language.

·       Python is very Productive i.e. It takes less time to develop any product than developing the same product using other programming languages.


·       Python supports multiple programming patterns which includes Imperative, Object Oriented, Functional or Procedural Programming styles.

·       The Community Support of Python is really good.

·       Python is Dynamically Typed language i.e. you don’t require to initialize your variables at the compile time.

·       Python makes developing and de bugging very fast.

Features of Python

There are several features of Python.

·       Python Emphasis on code Readability

·       Memory management is automatically done in Python

·       Python has a large Library

·       Python is multi-paradigm programming language.

·       With Python interactive interpreter it is easy to check Python commands.

·       Python is Platform independent.

Reasons why one should learn Python

There are several reasons for which one should learn Python.

·       Simplicity
The Python is very simple structured language.

·       Data Science
Another main reason that you should learn Python is because of data science.

·       Machine learning
The IOT and ML existence has made the people curious to learn Python.

·       Web Development
We can also create desktop applications using the Python.

·       Community Support
The community  support is very great for the Python.

·       Libraries
Python has the largest library than c++ and java.

·       Multipurpose
We can use python in several things thus makes Python multipurpose.

·       Job and growth
The job and growth in this field is very good.Python is good for startup's.

·     Salary
The salary of the employee working on python is very high as compared to other languages.

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